
자원 활용, 병해충 방제, 재배기술 개발, 농업경영 분야에서 학술발표,
언론홍보, 농자재 등록 등 그 성과를 발표해 농업기술발전에 공헌하고 있습니다

About KPER


Korea Plants Environmental Research (KPER) is an organic agrochemical product development organization. It was initially established as R & D Sprayers Korea in February 1999 for CO2 sprayers and spray booth products. Many agrochemical companies in the world consider out-sourcing of research works for speed, cost reduction, labor and convenience. From this opportunity, it secured a permit as an agrochemical registration and research station from the Rural Development Administration (RDA) in Korea to serve the agrochemical industry need.

In March, 2003, the company changed its name from R&D Sprayers to KPER.

This new step expanded its research and development responsibilities to more product registration, field development, laboratory analysis and marketing activities.

KPER is an R&D technology generator for product registration and marketing with core capabilities on:
*Fulfilling the research out-sourcing (ROS) needs of various agrochemical companies.
*Providing quality research outputs on time.
*Establishing the culture and institutionalizing the importance of neutral ROS.
*Developing economic management concept and enriching market information.
*Supplying rigorously tested green agro materials and products.

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